5 Lessons I’m Taking with me Into the New Year (2022)
I love this time of the year because it allows me the opportunity to rest and reflect. Rest from the beautiful chaos that is the holiday season and reflect on the year we’ll be saying goodbye to. The year 2021, while I consider it to be a sequel to 2020, it was still beautiful. The goal of course, is to always push myself into an uncomfortable space that forces me to stretch myself to be the best self that I can be. And while doing so, there are always lessons that are learned along the way. Lessons that I plan to take with me into 2022.

It’s ok to be selfish sometimes. I’ve bridled my tongue, I’ve held feelings in and I’ve allowed myself to tiptoe around people to where I’ve felt uncomfortable and uneasy.. My feelings swept under the rug, my time that is mine easily becoming someone else’s. Thus finding myself in places and spaces that I’ve never cared to be. However, I’ve had to learn in conversation with others that it’s ok to consider my happiness first sometimes, ok to be selfish with my energy, and my time. I now consider it to be a form of selfcare.
Just start. Don’t wait for things to be perfect to begin something that you’ve been wanting to do. There will never be a “perfect” time. And while all things continue to change- You will never have all of the knowledge needed to start. You can learn along the way, so, just start. I hit publish on a YouTube Channel without having a clue on how to be successful at it. However, that’s been the BEST feeling in the world! I love it in those YouTube streets.
Rock the shit you love! One thing that I consider Social Media to be exceptionally good for is to keep you on Trend. While I think that can be a good thing, I think it can allow you to lose a sense self and disconnect with some of the things that you truly love and like. But from now on, if I like or love it- I’m going to rock it!
It’s ok to outgrow people. It’s okay to let people go. Cliche’ but the only constant in this world and especially amongst people is change. You will continue to change and so will those around you. And while some may grow together, others may grow apart. Season and reason- and I understand now that that is ok.
IT’S OK TO TRY TO LIVE YOUR WILDEST DREAMS! I’ve played safe my whole life and while I consider myself blessed, I’m not at my mountain top. And I’m not living to the potential that God has for me.
Above all- I’m doing me. You should definitely live and do you.