7 Empowerment Books That Teaches Self Love to Little Brown Girls
My Favorite Empowerment Books for Little Black Girls
At a very young age, our ideals are shaped by the content that we consume. Dolls, movies and books are some of the first examples of items that our brown babies are exposed to that help shape their opinions on how they view themselves in this world. It is the very root of how they begin to see and form opinions about their beauty. Therefore, it’s important that they see themselves not only in the dolls that they play with, but also in the books that they read.
My husband and I are on the opposites ends of the “color spectrum” and we’ve always shared and discussed our experiences. Him not being “black enough” in some spaces and me being “too black”. When I was younger, I was brainwashed into thinking that I was not beautiful because of the extra rich melanin in my skin. Blackie, dark-wing duck, and tar baby are only a few of the many names that I can remember being called. It took me a very long time to feel comfortable in it.
So when I found out I was having a girl, it was important for me to create an environment that reinforced her beauty- that reminds her every day that she was beautiful. It was important for me to build her confidence and most importantly it needed to begin at home. Therefore, I invested in a collection of books that would help her to love the beautiful God given skin that she’s in.
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1. Mufarro’s Beautiful Daughters by John Steptoe– Mufarro’s Beautiful Daughters is a classic! An African Cinderella story that was published in 1987 with an amazing message about beauty.
2. Brown Sugar Babe by Charlotte Sherman– This easy to read book reinforces all of which makes brown skin beauty when a girl doubts the beauty in her melanin rich skin.
3. Skin Like Mine by Latashia M. Perry– Fun and easy to read book for toddlers that helps to bring up the subject of the differences and diversity in children.
4. Sulwe by Lupita Nyongo– An eccentric story written by Lupita Nyongo and illustrated by Vashti Harrison tells the story of a little girl with skin the color of midnight that finally sees her unique beauty. A beautiful book on colorism and beauty.
5. Hair Love by Matthew A. Cherry & Bruce W. Smith– Written by a former Jacksonville Jaguar wide receiver, Hair Love follows the story of a man who must do his daughter’s hair for the first time. Another beautiful book created to help normalize black hair.
6. Dream Big Little One by Vashti Harrison– Inspires little brown girls to dream by illustrating Powerful Black women in history that have made an impact in the world
7. When God Made You by Matthew Paul Turner – This beautiful book inspires young ones to consider the beautiful gifts that God created them with.
There are so many more books that play as reinforcers of beauty for our black girls and boys. But these are just some to help get you started!
Thank you for writing this and sharing these books with others.
You’re so welcome.