Hello October! Things I’m Looking Forward to This Month.

We’re a couple of days into October. Now, because we live in Florida, the weather can be a little bipolar and it may still be warm here, but I don’t intend on letting that stop the show! Yes, the first day of fall premiered in September, but nothing really says or commemorates the fall like the month of October. It took a pandemic to truly allow me to have grown some appreciation for this month, and I’m not talking Halloween. There’s so much more in this month that I’m looking forward to-especially in 2020.
Amazon Prime Day
Premiering way ahead of schedule, one of the most anticipated events of the year is only a few days away! The Amazon Prime Day 2020 annual shopping holiday is exclusive to Prime subscribers. It usually occurs in mid July, but due to the virus it’s making an appearance this month. I plan on getting my shopping done ahead of time. So, it’s just in time for those momma’s like me that plan get a head start on holiday shopping, This 48-hour event begins October 13.
Christmas/Holiday Movies
THE HOLIDAYS ARE UPON US! Fall for me means that the holiday season is around the corner and one of my favorite things about the holidays are holiday movies. Lifetime continues their tradition of playing these movies nonstop during the holidays. This year, they’ve announced that they are adding 30 new lineups, with one including Kelly Rowland. You can find me on the couch from Oct to early Jan hanging in my Christmas socks and sipping hot chocolate.
My husband’s birthday
It’s Libra season! Now I’m nowhere near being a Libra, but I married one and Libras keep me stressed (lol). However, this month I am looking forward to celebrating another birthday with him. Our first birthday together was before we were “official” in undergrad and we both turned 22. This year we both turn 36 and it feels so good to say that he turns 36 before me. We’re truly watching each other grow in so many ways and I just love it!
Pumpkin Patching
Somehow, last year October came and went in the blink of an eye and we missed the opportunity to visit a patch and pick pumpkins. This time, I’ve got it on the calendar, and we don’t intend on missing a thing. Trying something new this year and we plan on visiting Amazing Grace Family Farm, where not only do get to pick pumpkins, but we get to check out our very first corn maze. I’m super excited about this!
Fall Lippies
Fall brings a little bit of something for everybody. I know, I know it may surprise you that not everyone loves pumpkin flavored everything, but for some it’s not a thing. Lucky for everyone, that with the cool and gloomy weather, not only comes the sweaters and the booties, but the plum, chocolate and auburn colored lips as well. I love wearing black and gray so I’m certainly looking forward to the dark hues of lipstick to complement.
Fourth quarter
This may be the adult in me speaking, but I am really looking forward to the 4th quarter. Now, with the last 3 months of the year comes open enrollment for those that work a 9 to 5 and preparing for the holidays. However, for me the 4th quarter also symbolizes that it is the home stretch and that the finish line is near. With all of the roadblocks that this year has placed in front of and aside us, I am truly looking forward to re-evaluating my goals so that I can reassess them and see which ones are still attainable and which ones that I may need to put off. Also, as the days continue to cool, not only can you smell and feel that the holidays are upon us, but this is the perfect time to truly set a plan in motion for the upcoming year.
What are you looking forward to this October?