5 Beauty Resolutions I’ll be Keeping in 2020

So Social Media has tried its best to clown resolutions and everything that comes along with them. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with making a firm decision to commit to a few mantras or things throughout the year. This year, amongst other personal and professional goals and commitments, I’m focusing on my beauty.
Here are just a few.
1. Drink more water– Beauty truly begins with nourishing your skin and body from the inside. After having my doctor point out to me that I was pretty much dehydrated, I’ve really started focusing in on trying to increase my water intake. Drinking half your weight in ounces is quite the challenge, but I’m down for it-I’m ready to glow!
2. See a dermatologist– A dermatologist can help treat skin conditions that you may not even think is a condition. Pregnancy didn’t give me a glow, in fact it stole my shine! And after having my daughter in 2018, my complexion has never been the same.
3. Get a facial– As I get older, I’ve realized that I truly need to work on maintaining healthy skin just as much as I need to focus on my health. I have a pretty decent routine. Let me stop, it needs a bit more work as it’s pretty standard. So right about now, I need a deep cleaning- I need a facial! I’ll begin to incorporate getting a facial in my beauty routine.
4. Take a makeup class– I love make up and a dope beat! I love how it enhances one’s beauty and every feature that we take for granted; eyes, cheekbones, etc. I mean, Sometimes I impress myself with my application and some days I’m like WTH! I definitely would like to perfect a flawless everyday look. It would definitely help me to establish more consistency with me makeup application.
5. Establish a beauty routine– As previously mentioned, my routine needs a little work-it’s pretty standard. If I don’t remember anything at all, I definitely make sure to remove make up, wash, an occasional toning and moisturizing. Not quite sure where I honestly try to incorporate exfoliating- I can definitely do more and I plan to do so.
In 2020, I’m ignoring all of the clowning and I’m setting resolutions and goals, despite the clowning.
In 2020, this beauty is doing more!
What beauty goals do you plan to check off of your list?
Comment below.